"The tundra berserker demands attention with high control and strong physical defense. Trained in the most unforgiving environments, the tundra berserker can stand proud in any battle, no matter the odds. With strong ties to the water divine, the tundra berserker is like an unkillable monster."
Tags: Control, Debuffer, Physical armor
Elements: Water
Skills of Tundra berserker may be saved using Endurance saves.
Unlocked when you've chosen 4 skills of Tundra berserker.
Deepfreeze - Freeze a person, either friend of foe. Freeze duration depends on the health of the person. The frozen person is being kept alive while frozen.
Freezing touch
Passive, Whenever you take damage, you may inflict Critical chance - 8 on the attacker (Stacks up to - 16 Critical chance).
Way of endurance
Frozen strike Common
1 Action,
Water Attack (Power + 1) a target then grant Physical armor + 2 to allies within 1m.
Ice howl Rare
Special, Grant allies within 3m Physical Block Chance + 10 (2 stacks) and attempt to inflict Ice goad (2 stacks) on enemies within 3m.
~ Ice goad: You have disadvantage unless you target the caster.
Frost sanctuary Epic
1 Action, Move (3m) and inflict all tiles within 1m with Frost sanctuary (3 Stacks).
~ Frost sanctuary (Zone): Allies within the zone may use a Reaction and a stack to redirect half damage taken to the caster.
Reign of ice
Cold zone Common
Special, Gain Cold zone (2 stacks) and gain Physical armor + 3.
~ Cold zone (2m, aura): If an enemy within this aura attacks an ally, you may inflict Critical chance - 15.
Winds of frost Rare
1 Action, Move enemies within 3m towards you on free tiles and attempt to inflict Movement - 1 on enemies within 1m. Then grant Physical armor + 2 to allies within 3m.
Charge of avalanche Epic
1 Action, Move while selecting up tot three tiles you moved over to inflict with Barricade of Ice (3 stacks). After,
Water Attack (Power + 8) a target within 1m.
~ Barricade of ice (Impassable): Remove one stack each time this takes damage.
Glacial kingdom
Special, Gain a Shield (Level + 10), Power + 5 and Ice Kingdom (4 stacks).
~ Ice Kingdom (3m, Aura): Whenever an ally within the aura takes damage you may move the attacker to a tile adjacent to you and inflict Movement - 2.