"The shaman is a wicked doctor of nature with high control summons and earth spells. Closely connected to nature, the shaman brings old tribal traditions back from the past. The shaman learns their magic from the Earthmother, their name for the earth divine. A shaman delivers the Earthmother's warmth and wrath, as both a life bringer as a life taker during these hexing rituals."
Tags: Summons, Shield, Physical armor
Elements: Earth
Skills of Shaman may be saved using Luck saves.
Unlocked when you've chosen 4 skills of Shaman.
Gloaming ritual - Once per day, spend 10 minutes with a ritual of choice:
~ Cleansing ritual: Improve the growing or quality of food and health of other targets within 2m for 1 day.
~ Hexing ritual: Spoil food and decrease health of other targets within 2m for 1 day.
Nature's totem
Passive, Whenever you deal
Earth Damage, gain Physical armor + 1 (Stacks up to + 3).
Earthly totems
Grounding totem Common
1 Action, Place a Grounding totem (2 stacks) on a free tile within 3m.
~ Grounding totem (Summon, 1m aura): If an enemy within the aura moves, inflict Movement - 1 and
Earth True damage (Level + 5).
Tremor totem Rare
Special, Place a Tremor totem (2 stacks) on a free tile within 3m a target within 1m of one of your summons.
~ Tremor totem (Summon, 1m aura): At the end of caster's turn, inflict Physical armor - 3 on enemies within 1m. After the caster gains Physical armor + 3 for each opponent within 3m with a Physical armor debuff.
Leyline totem Epic
1 Action, Place a Leyline totem (4 stacks) on a free tile within 3m and
Earth attack (Power + 2) all enemies within 1m of one of your summons.
~ Leyline totem (summon, 1m aura): Whenever an ally targets Leyline totem change the target to all within aura.
Nature's grasp
Grounds of growing Common
Special, Grant a Physical armor + 3 to an ally within 2m of you or your summons and deal
Earth True damage (Level + 3) to a target within 1m.
Shards of silence Rare
1 Action, Select a target within your range. If this target is within 2m of one of your summons gain Save height + 4. After,
Earth Attack (Power + 3) and attempt to inflict Power - 5 on that target.
Tears of the Earthmother Epic
1 Action, Deal
Earth True damage (Level + 8) on enemies within 2m of you or your summons. After Shield (Level + 5) allies within 2m of you or within 2m of one of your summons.
Elegy of the earth
Special, Target all enemies within 3m of your summons and all allies within 3m of your summons. Deal
Earth True damage (Level + 15) to all targeted enemies and grant Physical armor + 10 (2 stacks) to all targeted allies.