"The shadow ninja is a swift deliverer of tons of dark damage. As an agent of the dark divine, the shadow ninja strives to take down their target without being spotted at all. But even when they are seen, the shadow ninja is capable of inflicting terrible curses to weaken their foes and get away safely."
Tags: Mobility, Debuffer, True damage
Elements: Dark
Skills of Shadow ninja may be saved using Agility saves.
Unlocked when you've chosen 4 skills of Shadow ninja.
Shroud of darkness - Once per day for 1 minute, become invisible. Ends when touched or when taking combat actions.
Passive, Whenever you move, freely move instead. When moving through an enemy, you may inflict it with Symbol of shadow (can only be applied on one target at a time).
~ Symbol of shadow: When you are being targeted by a
Dark Attack, the attacker gains Critical chance + 6.
Shadow magic
Night slash Common
1 Action, Deal
Dark True damage (Level + 5) to two targets within your range. After, you may roll a critical roll, if you succeed, inflict the targets with Nightly wounds.
~ Nightly wounds: Take 3 True damage after receiving dark damage.
Shadow shuriken Rare
1 Action, Gain Range + 1, gain Multi attack and
Dark Attack (Power + 4) within your range.
~ Multi attack: Attack all targets in a line within your range.
Shadow prison Epic
Special, Inflict a target within your range with Shadow prison (4 stacks). After, attempt to gain Power + 5 (2 stacks).
~ Shadow prison: You cannot use Reactions when targeted by dark attacks or dark true damage.
Arts of the shadows
Shadow dragon Common
Special, Move (2m), deal
Dark True damage (Level) to all enemies that get within 1m of you. After, attempt to inflict Dodge chance - 15 on a target you damaged.
Assassinate Rare
1 Action, Gain Critical Bonus + 4 and Move to an adjacent tile of an enemy within 2m. After
Dark Attack (Power + 4) and attempt to inflict Movement - 2 on that enemy.
Dancing blade Epic
1 Action,
Dark Attack (Power + 5) a target and inflict
Dark Weakness on enemies within 2m. After, gain Dancing Dash (2 stacks).
~ Dancing dash: Use a Special to Move 3m instead of 1m.
Reaction, When you would normally take damage, negate damage done, Move and inflict
Dark Vulnerability on enemies within 1m of the attacker. After, gain a Darkstep (3 stacks).
~ Darkstep: Dodge Rolls required 1 Reaction instead of 2.