"The revenant combines dark and water attacks with hexing abilities to dictate their enemy's actions. As a forsaken cultist, the revenant practices bending blood with dark and water divinity. Most of these feats should be impossible for the living, which raises the question if the revenant is a living being at all."
Tags: Melee, Debuffer, Magical armor
Elements: Dark, Water
Skills of Revenant may be saved using Endurance saves.
Unlocked when you've chosen 4 skills of Revenant.
Haunting presence - Once per day, cling your presence to a target upon touch. Able to see it's surroundings for an hour. The target will feel mostly uncomfortable and blur your vision with enough Willpower.
Passive, Whenever you inflict a debuff on other target(s), gain Magical armor + 1 (Stacks up to Magical armor + 4).
Chill Common
1 Action,
Water Attack (Power) a target within 1m. If you dealt damage, attempt to inflict Movement - 2.
Dread blooded Rare
1 Action, Deal
Dark True damage (Level + 10) on a target within 1m and attempt to inflict Dread blooded (2 stacks). On save, inflict Dread blooded.
~ Dread blooded: Inflicted with Power - 4 if you do not target the caster.
Mass anemia Epic
1 Action, Deal
Water True damage (Level + 15) and attempt to inflict Critical chance - 20 (2 stacks) to all enemies within 2m. On save inflict Critical chance - 20 instead.
Blood brothers
Cursed blood Common
Special, Gain Magical armor + 2, grant Cursed blood (2 stacks) to a target within 3m.
~ Cursed blood: Upon taking damage, inflict the attacker with Magical armor - 2. After, the caster may move 1m to the attacker.
Bloodplating Rare
1 Action, Grant Bloodplating (2 stacks) to an ally within 3m and attempt to inflict Critical Bonus - 6 on enemies within 3m.
~ Bloodplating: Whenever you deal or take damage, deal
Dark True damage (Level + 8) to an adjacent enemy.
Crimson calling Epic
1 Action, Swap places with an ally within 3m and grant a Shield (Level + 10) to that ally. After, attempt to Move (1m) enemies within 2m.
Agonizing dread
Special, Gain a Shield (Level + 15) and Agonizing dread (2 stacks).
~ Agonizing dread: Whenever an ally within 3m takes damage inflict the attacker with
Dark or
Water Vulnerability.