"The storm paladin has great physical defense and restricts the enemy's ability to deal damage. Dedicated to protect the weak and punish evildoers, the storm paladin sees it as their job to carry out the righteous fury of the air divine."
Tags: Physical Block, Control, Critical
Elements: Air
Skills of Storm paladin may be saved using Endurance saves.
Unlocked when you've chosen 4 skills of Storm paladin.
Aura of truth - Once per day, you can create an Aura of truth.
~ Aura of truth (Aura, 3m): The first target that answers a question in this aura must do so fully and truthfully.
Static judgement
Passive, Gain Critical Bonus + 2 each time you take damage (Stacks up to Critical Bonus + 6).
Thunder's judgement
Zapping strike Common
1 Action,
Air Attack (Power + 3) a target. If you dealt damage, attempt to inflict Twin Shock (2 stacks).
~ Twin Shock: Whenever you take an action deal
Air True damage (1) to you and the caster.
Shocking attraction Rare
Special, Move (2m) and attempt to inflict Shocking Attraction on enemies within 2m.
~ Shocking Attraction: Inflicted with Damage - 10 if you do not target the caster.
Lightning's justice Epic
1 Action,
Air Attack (Power + 6) a target after inflict Judgement on the target.
~ Judgement: Critical Bonus is doubled against you.
Storm's protection
Storm guard Common
Special, Grant Stormguard to a target within 2m.
~ Stormguard: Gain a Shield (Level + 2). After the Shield is destroyed, the caster may move 2m towards the target.
Shield of the storm Rare
1 Action, Move (2m) and grant Physical Block Chance + 15 (2 stacks) and Block bonus + 3 (2 stacks) to allies within 2m.
Sparking intervention Epic
Reaction, When an ally within 4m is attacked, gain Physical Block Chance + 10 and Move to the tile of that ally (the ally moves 1m). You become the new target of the Attack.
Divine storm
1 Action, Gain a Shield (Level + 15), move (3m) then grant Guarded to other allies within 2m.
~ Guarded: The next damage to your Current Health is dealt to the Current Health of the caster instead.