
Puppet master

"The puppet master controls magical look-alikes and conjures magical tricks. As a enthusiast of drama and theatre, the puppet master just loves pulling the strings. With clever tricks and grand reveals, the puppet master is the schemer of the battlefield."

Tags: Summons, Control, Debuff


Skills of Puppet master may be saved using Luck saves.


Unlocked when you've chosen 4 skills of Puppet master.

Doppelgänger - Copy a target within 2m for 30 minutes. Copy cannot speak and you can control the copy within 10m.


Stage dummy

Passive, At the end of your turn, place a Dummy (1 stack) on a free tile within 3m.
~ Dummy (Summon): The caster may use a stack to use an Action, Special or Reaction from this dummy.

Pulling the strings

Into the drama Common

1 Action, Attack a target and attempt to knock back 1m. After, deal True damage (3) if the target is next to one of your summons.

Clinging love Rare

Special, Select up to two casters, chosen among yourself and your summons. Each caster attempts to inflict Clinging love on target within 1m of them. On save, inflict Rejected on the caster instead.
~ Clinging love: Next turn your movement is set to 1.
~ Rejected: Move 2m and deal True damage (5) to enemies within 1m.

Tragic bloodshed Epic

Reaction, When a summon is targeted by and attack, use a stack and swap it with a enemy within 2m of the summon. Damage is dealt to the new target.

The show must go on

Decor shade Common

1 Action, Summon a Shade (2 stack) on a free tile within 2m. After, grant a stack to a friendly summon within 1m of the Shade.
~ Shade (Summon): Caster may use a stack to inflict Disadvantage on an enemy within 1m.

Dynamic performance Rare

Special, Move (2m), after move (2m) all your summons within 5m and grant one of them a stack.

Shocking reveal Epic

1 Action, Grant a stack to a friendly summon within 4m. Allies within 5m gain Shield (x) and enemies within 5m are inflicted with True damage (x). X is 4 times your summons within 1m of the target.


The great masquerade

1 Action, Copy one of your summons within 3m three times. Place the copies on free tiles within 2m of the original summon.